
Whenever an admin action is performed on the API, an audit log entry is added to the respective guild's audit logs. This class represents a requested collections of these entries.


application_commands : dict of (int, ApplicationCommand) items

A dictionary that contains the mentioned application commands by the audi log entries. The keys are the id-s of the application commands, meanwhile the values are the application commands themselves.

auto_moderation_rules : dict of (int, ApplicationCommand) items

A dictionary that contains the auto moderation rules mentioned inside of the audit log entries. The keys are the id-s of the rules and the values are the rules themselves.

entries : list of AuditLogEntry

A list of audit log entries that the audit log contains.

guild_id : int

The audit logs' respective guild's identifier.

integrations : dict of (int, Integration) items

A dictionary that contains the mentioned integrations by the audit log's entries. The keys are the id-s of the integrations, meanwhile the values are the integrations themselves.

scheduled_events : dict of (int, ScheduledEvent) items

A dictionary containing the scheduled events mentioned inside of the audit logs.

threads : dict of (int, Channel) items

A dictionary containing the mentioned threads inside of the audit logs.

users : dict of (int, ClientUserBase) items

A dictionary that contains the mentioned users by the audit log's entries. The keys are the id-s of the users, meanwhile the values are the users themselves.

webhooks : dict of (int, Webhook) items

A dictionary that contains the mentioned webhook by the audit log's entries. The keys are the id-s of the webhooks, meanwhile the values are the values themselves.

_self_reference : None or WeakReferer to AuditLog

Weak reference to the audit log itself.



Returns the audit log's guild.


guild : None, Guild


__new__(data, ...)

Creates an AuditLog from the data received from Discord.


None, dict of (str, object) items

Data received from Discord.




The respective guild's identifier of the audit logs.



Populates the audit log entry with the given data.


dict(str, object) items

Audit log data.


populated : bool

Whether any entry was added to the audit log.


Drops a rich attribute error.


Returns the specific audit log entry at the given index.


Iterates over the audit log's entries.


Returns the amount of entries that the audit lgo contain.


Returns the representation of the Audit log.


Reversed iterator over the audit log's entries.