
Hata is an asynchronous Discord API wrapper built on top of scarletio. It is designed to be easy to use, with also providing rich API offering everything what an advanced developer might need.

Named after Hata no Kokoro from Touhou Project.

Why hata

  • Multiple simultaneous clients

    Hata can run multiple clients from the same instance without sacrificing performance.

  • Performant

    Fast concurrent code using async/await syntax, cache control, PyPy support and more!

  • Newest API features

    Whatever Discord decides to release/update/break Hata will support it natively in no time!

  • 100% Python

    Completely relies on Python! Easy to read, easy to understand, easy to code.


from hata import Client, Guild, wait_for_interruption

GUILD = Guild.precreate(guild_id)

Seija = Client('TOKEN', extensions = ['slash'])

async def ready(client):
print(f'{client:f} logged in.')

@Seija.interactions(guild = GUILD)
async def ping():
return 'pong'



Hata leaves the main thread free, client.start() blocks it only till the client logs in (or fails it), although you can still use the start_clients() function, what as it says, starts up all the non-running clients parallelly.

Sometimes leaving the main thread might cause problems when trying to shut down the bot(s). At this case, you might want to use wait_for_interruption(), which disconnects the clients gracefully and closes the event loop on keyboard interrupt.

We got some tutorials as well, please check them too!
