
If allowed_mentions is passed as None, then returns a dict, what will cause all mentions to be disabled.

If passed as an iterable, then it's elements will be checked. They can be either type str(any value from ('everyone', 'users', 'roles')), UserBase, Role-s.

Passing everyone will allow the message to mention @everyone(permissions can overwrite this behaviour).

Passing 'users' will allow the message to mention all the users, meanwhile passing UserBase-s. allow to mentioned the respective users. Using users and UserBase-s. is mutually exclusive, and the wrapper will register only users to avoid getting DiscordException.

'roles' and Role-s. follow the same rules as 'users' and the UserBase-s.

By passing '!replied_user' you can disable mentioning the replied user, or by passing 'replied_user' you can re-enable mentioning the replied user.


None, str, UserBase, Role, AllowedMentionProxy, (list, tuple, set) of (str, UserBase, Role)

Which user or role can the message ping (or everyone).


allowed_mentions : dict of (str, object) items



If allowed_mentions contains an element of invalid type.


If allowed_mentions contains en element of correct type, but an invalid value.